Our Networks & Forums
Sector Leaders Network
The Sector Leaders Network (SLN) provides a support network for Chief Officers/Leaders of Wirral Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Organisations. To work together to ensure a thriving sector in Wirral which is able to meet the needs of the local community.

Community of Practice
Wirral's Community of Practice is a great opportunity to come together, share information and find out what's going on in the sector.
Volunteer Manager's Forum
The forum's purpose is to provide a support network for Volunteer Managers to meet regularly together to explore opportunities, gain best practise insight and pool resources to develop and grow the volunteering offer on Wirral.

CVF Forum
The CVF Forum, is a regular meeting usually every 2 months, fostering communication between Wirral’s Public Health, statutory services, and VCFSE Sector.
- Wed, 12 FebKings Church Wirral
- Tue, 25 FebMake Hamilton
- Thu, 27 FebTeams