In Wirral, we lead together. Our dispersed leadership model has been designed by the sector to ensure that the right people, with the right skills and knowledge are supported to represent the sector at a strategic level.
Wirral CVS are also members of both VS6 and NAVCA. VS6 is a partnership of Local Infrastructure Organisations across the Liverpool City Region. NAVCA (the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action) is the national membership body for local infrastructure organisations, supporting the voluntary and community sector.
You can find out more below...

VS6 Partnership
Members of the VS6 Partnership work together to champion the vital role our sector does and could play in the future of the Liverpool City Region, while seeking to shape local policy and implementation for the benefit of our communities.
Our recent projects have included:
The Cheshire and Merseyside State of the Sector Report
Manifesto for the Liverpool City Region 2024 - 28
Beyond Innovation campaign
LCR Volunteering Hub
More information will be available shortly as our website develops but for more information please visit www.vs6partnership.org.uk

Wirral CVS are members of NAVCA which is the national membership body for local infrastructure organisations who support the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector. In addition to working towards Local Infrastructure Quality Accreditation (LIQA) we have also worked closely on the Vision for Volunteering programme and we are active members of a number of nationally significant working groups.
NAVCA's Four Functions of Infrastructure will be familiar to you as our website is based on the same themes Leadership & Advocacy, Partnerships & Collaboration, Capacity Building and Volunteering. As our website develops we will share more information so check back soon.