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Taking the Lead
We offer resources and guidance for leaders within the VCFSE sector in Wirral. We provide training, workshops, and mentorship programs designed to develop strong, effective leadership skills.
Whether you're a new leader or seeking to enhance your skills and knowledge, our resources can help you lead your organisation with confidence and vision.

Working Together
Discover how we facilitate and develop collaboration among organisations. We offer opportunities for networking, sharing best practice, and forging partnerships. Our networks and forums enable organisations to connect, collaborate, and amplify their collective impact.
Our advocacy efforts ensure your voice is heard in the sector, and we offer one-to-one support to help your organisation thrive.
Our Development Team can work with you to develop a tailored programme of support including advice and guidance on funding, governance, operations and strategic development.
Over time we will develop a resource bank of information, tools, tips and tricks to support you to deliver your mission.

Supporting both volunteers and volunteer involving organisations, whether you're looking to volunteer your time or seeking employment, we list a variety of roles suited to different skills and interests that are available locally.
Wirral CVS connects you with organisations in need of your skills, helping you make a meaningful impact in your community.