Nov 13, 2024

Wirral Place
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside arranges for some of its functions to be delivered and decisions about NHS funding to be made in the region’s nine Places – Cheshire East, Cheshire West, Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, Warrington, Wirral.
While NHS Cheshire and Merseyside retains overall accountability for NHS resources deployed at Place-level, Place-based partnerships – led by Place Directors – have the freedom to design and deliver services according to local need.
Wirral's Place partnership strengthens an existing track record of collaboration and joint working and brings together the NHS, Wirral Council and the Voluntary, Community & Faith sector to address the inequalities that exist in our communities and work with people to help them lead healthier lives. By working in partnership, we can not only focus on health and care but also empower people to seek new opportunities in education, employment and to take an active part in their community.
Our partnership is committed to achieving the best for people in Wirral.
Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and transforming our Place by implementing the Wirral Plan 2021-2026.
Refreshing, refocusing and strengthening partnerships and collaboration in Wirral to support delivery of our plans.
Improving population outcomes and tackling health inequalities by addressing the needs of our population in a more targeted way.
Up to 3 days per meeting cycle
Face to Face
The Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector is important to the development of integrated health and care services. The place board representatives play a crucial role in bringing strategic direction to support the board to make decisions that consider the skills, knowledge resources and needs of the sector and the communities they serve and; to support the sector to play an increasing role in delivering local priorities
Current ledership role in an active voluntary, community, faith or social enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisation in Wirral (paid or unpaid)
Knowledge and experience of the wider VCFSE sector
Knowledge of VCFSE strategic issues
Good communication and negotiating skills
A commitment to working in partnership with other VCFSE organisations and public sector partners
Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion practice