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VCFSE Hustings for Metro Mayor


Tuesday 26 March 5:30 to 8:30pm, Liverpool Cathedral, Cathedral Gate, St James Rd, Liverpool L1 7AZ

Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor elections take place this year on Thursday May 2nd and the VS6 Partnership are hosting a unique opportunity for the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector to find out, directly from the candidates, their perspectives on important VCFSE matters and you are invited to join us.

This event is only open to representatives from VCFSE organisations across the City Region and you MUST register in advance - walk ins will not be permitted.

When you register you will have the opportunity to submit a sector related question for the Q&A session. VS6 partners will carefully select questions to ensure that the session remains focussed on the issues you think are most important and to make sure a range of issues are discussed. The Hustings will be chaired by Rev Canon Dr Ellen Loudon, Independent Chair of the VS6 Partnership

We believe that your voice matters in shaping the future of our communities. Do not miss this opportunity to be a part of the conversation at the VCFSE LCR Metro Mayor Hustings.

The evening will include networking and refreshments, allowing attendees to connect with like-minded individuals.

VS6 is a partnership of support organisations, including Wirral CVS, working with voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) groups across the Liverpool City Region (LCR). We work together to champion the vital role our sector does and could play in the future of the City Region, while seeking to shape local policy and implementation for the benefit of our communities.

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