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Two new funds to look at Today.


Apply for grant funding to deliver Big Bike Revival

The Big Bike Revival programme is for adults returning to cycling, complete beginners or those cycling non-regularly. In other words, it’s for adults who do not cycle on a regular basis, which generally means cycling once a month or less.

It’s also all about engaging adults with social, economic and health needs; those from diverse backgrounds; or facing multiple challenges.

Grant funding applications for summer 2024 are open from Monday 4 March until Monday 25 June 2024.

Delivery partners are typically volunteer-led groups, not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises that are rooted in local communities and working to address a range of local needs.

They are experienced in engaging with non-regular cyclists and people in need in terms of social, economic and health deprivation.

We welcome applicants from delivery partners based anywhere in England, with the exception of London.

Youth Homelessness in the UK funding

Deadline is 3pm on Tuesday 7th May 2024

At Comic Relief, we believe that everyone should have a safe and decent place to call home.

This funding opportunity aims to support organisations that work to empower young people who are at immediate risk of, or experiencing homelessness to access the right support at the right time.

Young people facing homelessness come from diverse backgrounds, highlighting the importance of providing holistic and tailored support that can address their diverse and multiple needs. Support services should be inclusive and accessible to all young people, with staff who understand and help them successfully navigate often complicated referral pathways. Organisations delivering these services should meaningfully involve young people with lived experience to better meet the needs of those affected.

Through this funding programme, we will provide flexible, core funding to organisations which do both of the following:

  • Specialise in the provision of holistic support to young people aged 16-25 in the UK, who are at immediate risk of, or experiencing homelessness. Support services should be tailored, inclusive and accessible, to remove barriers and better meet the multiple and diverse needs of young people at immediate risk of or experiencing homelessness. This work could be delivered by the applicant alone or in partnership.

  • Meaningfully involve young people with lived experience of homelessness, or who have been at risk of homelessness. This should include involving young people in the development of the organisation’s work and priority areas, and/or in the running of the organisation.

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