We were very pleased to hold our very first relaunched CVF Forum on the 18th July and it was a fabulous meeting. Dave has sent out the following email to everyone that has registered an interest in the Forum.
"Dear CVF Forum colleagues
Thank you all for recommitting to the refreshed Forum and I hope those who could make the first meeting found it a good use of time. The CVF Forum is one of the key tools we have locally to collaborate, discuss and develop our strategic thinking across Wirral’s Statutory and VFCSE Sectors. Your continued support of the Forum is key to its future success.
For those who could not join we hope to see you again in a future Forum meeting. We are aiming for a meeting every other month so there should be plenty of opportunities in your diaries to take advantage of with the next one pencilled in for 19th September. In the meantime, please find attached the minutes with embedded action log, presentation from Tracy on HSF programme and the LA update.
To help shape the Forum into what we collectively want and need, please can you respond to the questions which Zel has kindly developed into an electronic survey.
Can we request responses be completed and returned by Friday 23rd August to allow us time to analyse them ahead of the next meeting in September.
On reflection, we are not going to look at the Terms of Reference from this meeting yet, as we would like to do a broader piece of work to look at all the forums across the sector and how they work with each other and what terms of reference is then needed for each.
Have a great summer everyone and we will see you soon.
Dave and Zel"
Some of my key takeaways from the meeting were;
Tracy Harrison from Household to Support gave us an update on the Household Support Fund, in particular round 5. You can view the presentation below:
One of the really interesting suggestions that came out of the meeting was from Ben to write a letter to government that highlights the importance of the Household Support Fund and its continued funding. Also mentioned was the importance of having a 10% admin costs covered as standard and Kevin suggested that we could most definitely show return on investment.
Louise updated on the Wallasey Thrive 365 progress, from the initial trailblazer meeting last November to the groups that were finally funded in their neighbourhood.
Sam Lee from NHS talking Therapies asked the question about any organisations working with BAME and LGBTQ organisations and is keen to work in partnership.
You can read the CVF Forum minutes and the Local Authority updates below: