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Community of Practice Round-up (May 30th 2024)

Updated: May 31, 2024

alt text: An image of the participants present at the COP Meeting.

This month's COP meeting was hosted by the wonderful folks over at Wirral Mind who were able to get us all up on the top floor of their excellent facility in Birkenhead. Thanks again, Rachel!

Wirral Mind

At the beginning, Rachel from Wirral Mind was able to tell us more about the history of the building as well as all the activities they run within the premises.

alt text: Rachel from Wirral Mind discussing the organisation's services to the COP.

Wirral MakeFest

Alison reminded us that the Wirral MakeFest event is this Saturday and put out an urgent shout out for volunteers. She asked if anyone was registered as a volunteer with Mencap, and would be able to drive the Mencap minibus for the afternoon shift to transport anyone with disabilities from Birkenhead Library to the Williamson and back. They could also do with some volunteers to shift tables on Friday morning at the Library, and on Saturday at the event itself. Contact Alison on

alt text: Alison from Wirral Makefest telling us more about this weekend's event.

Tomorrow's Women Wirral

Kate Chadwick updated us on the courses and activities taking place in June and she also mentioned a Volunteer / Carers Fair next Wednesday from 12pm to 2pm.

Paul Lavelle Foundation

Sharne and Nic brought us up to date with their new programmes and partners including an interesting awareness raising training programme for employers and their staff. They have a number of big events coming up including a Beer festival in June, and a 5k/10k run in Hoylake.

Floral Civilians Project

Tim mentioned that the group has had funding for a Biodiversity project, as well as a screen-printing activity. He also updated us on the activities of the Friends of Marine Lake.

University of Birmingham

Koen Bartels gave us some insight into the work that he has been involved in with regard to Social Prescribing, ABCD and Co Production. Koen has written a report for the Heseltine Institute about social prescribing called "What's strong, What's wrong" He said that for social prescribing to thrive, it must be driven by assets and needs. He also mentioned an exciting project that he is working on in Birmingham around a community of practice model.

Wirral CVS

Zel updated the group about the events that are in the pipeline and that will appear on our WCVS events page in the next couple of weeks, which include the CVF Forum, some Meet the Funders, and a visit from the DBS.

Zel also mentioned the Coming Back Together event at the Lauries on the 26th June. It would be wonderful to see you all there.

Amy reminded the group about the Volunteer Fair that has been planned for the 5th July.

alt text: Zel Rodgers of Wirral CVS updating the COP on our work.

Bee Wirral

Tom Foulkes updated the group about the Elements project for men and their upcoming plans. They have recently employed a woodwork, and ecology lead, and are looking forward to getting involved in a number of community projects.

Tom is keen to collaborate, to support men in Birkenhead who would be interested in these types of projects.

alt text: Tom from Bee Wirral tells us about the organisation.

Open Door Centre

Philippa Tree (Yes, we really do love her surname given the fact that she works for Branch) told us about the progress with the new Branch programme and how the service will work. They are aiming to launch in October, with a soft launch planned sometime in July. Philippa wants to add as many relevant services to the website as possible, and is also linking up with other Wirral Directories to avoid duplication. Link up with Philippa by email: or

alt text: Phillipa from the Open Door Centre detailing the organisation's services.


Deborah Zaher joined us from the Coop to tell us about Coop funding that will be available to local groups for between £1000 and £3000. Priorities for this fund are This planet, and People to play a part in the future. Keep an eye out for this funding.

Deborah also mentioned their new project with regards to the Coop Academy's Trust which will have a focus on Educational Attainment, Health and Wellbeing, and Community relations. Get in touch with Deborah if you are interested in knowing more. You can reach Deborah by email:

Transform Lives Company

Sophie Chaol gave us an update on the organisations activity which focuses on Wellbeing and Employment. They will be running sessions on employment and volunteering, and are very happy to collaborate.

Wirral Multicultural Organisation

Nuri Lamb gave us an update on her role with WMO, which focuses on substance misuse and the barriers facing people from ethnic minorities trying to access services.

To attend our next COP Meeting, please RSVP on the event below:

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