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Defining Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring Collecting evidence in a consistent and meaningful way in order to show that change has occurred.
Evaluation Using collected evidence to understand if that change has occurred, in order to improve, learn and share your findings.


NCVO has an excellent resource on planning Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks and Evaluating your impact. Access the two links below to see more on both topics and make your impact count.

You can use this page to learn about how to create a monitoring and evaluation framework.

"Developing a monitoring and evaluation framework helps you work out which pieces of information to collect to evidence your story of change." - NCVO

Learn how to develop effective impact and evaluation practices in your organisation.

Developing a Theory of Change

A theory of change in monitoring and evaluation for charitable organisations is a framework that outlines how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a specific context. It identifies the steps needed to achieve long-term goals, mapping out the link between activities, outputs, outcomes, and the overall impact, helping to guide and assess the effectiveness of the organisation’s strategies.


Although developing a theory of change for your organisation may seem like a daunting task, taking the time and energy to do so, will reward you tenfold, helping you to have a much better understanding of what you are trying to achieve, and how to measure your findings.


The Charities Evaluation Services have created this very useful guidance document.


Charity Excellence
A Free One-Stop-Shop For Charity Funding, Policies, Help & Resources.
The Impact Management Platform
A collaboration between the leading providers of sustainability standards and guidance that are coordinating efforts to mainstream the practice of impact management.
These resources and publications provide guidance and innovative thinking to the social sector — supporting individuals and organisations, challenging and inspiring, and helping to create the conditions for impact.
Resource Centre - Monitoring & Evaluating
Whatever your group is doing, from producing a newsletter to putting on a funday to organising an AGM to running a sports club, the Resource Centre has a service designed to make things easier for you.
NHS England - Measuring for Improvement
The NHS has provided a comprehensive guide to look at how to measure for improvement.
Government Guidance
Helping public health practitioners conducting evaluations and using outcome evaluations to find out if an intervention works.
The measures and supported information displayed on the CORC website are intended to serve as an easily accessible resource for individuals looking for information on how to measure children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
Education Endowment Foundation
This page provides access to the EEF’s outcome measure databases and outcome measures that have been commissioned by the EEF.
Institute for research and innovation in social services provide a guide to measuring outcomes and the role of qualitative date.
Toolkit for Measuring the Outcomes of Therapy in Specialist FE Settings.
TNL Community Fund
Tools to help you gather and use evidence for learning.

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